Saturday, January 16, 2010

..First Post On 2010..

Hi there, how you guys + girls doing?
Sorry ya ^^x Quite a long period i didn't updated my Blog! =(
As i can say, i didn't do my blogging since my holiday starts but now ,
it's almost over and left one or two days ahead ^^x
My new semester gonna starts in two days time & ya ...
I'm still in holiday mood =( haha, wonder how i gonna face my new sem^^
And i got a good! news for my friends & my families =]
I passed my Undang Test \^o^/ nah,not full marks for me =]
I got only 48/50 @.@ hope i coulde get my L license soon..T.T..
This few days, i was forced to think something i never thought i'll face it =.=
If you ask me what i thought about it, i'll say i don't know..
=.= because i really don't know..weird?
nope=.= quite normal for me.. as those friend who know me..
they'll know that i didn't really thinks =.=
i really kinda hates! to use my brain..
and yes i promise i'll think of it ^^x
*although it maybe take some time =( *
hmm, i'll try to blog often =]
so,have fun ^^x
=New Sem Hopes for Another New Me=
muackss*big kisses*

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