Today,i'm at my hometown Kuala Lumpur..Having a network meeting with some network just like family(>.<)i think today is the best day ever since i left home..although H1N1 is raging in the city,but we still gathered out-0-tak takut H1N1 langsung@@+this is called MYGUNDAM spirit~!
early in the mornin,i woke up bout 8am..earliest since i left home=.=then help my very little brother with his homework then i started to prepare to going out..i decided to take bus instead of taxi coz the bus is already here when i'm out of my home~XD~how lucky,just RM2 instead of RM8..i reached times square bout 10.20am..second member to arrived..the first one i met is a friend of mine soon fly to Taiwan for's been a long time we met each other..just call him [XX]~XD~then another one is [kero],also long time no see d le..since last year gathering.T^T.then we went for McD coz i desperate hungry@@+
soon,all members arrived..bout 10 ppl..Air,Shine,Kiss,Altk,Rena,John,WuYue,Miaoz(me),XX and kero..that just 10 of us..firstly we went to our paradise..TS's 6th floor game arena@@+syok man~!we played 太鼓,time crisis,basketball and others game..
Shine and me both play the basketball till crazy~!syok la~!imagine 2 crazy girl throwing the basketball madly..=.=..after this,we went for bowling@@+it's about 1pm i think~
in the bowling centre Shine realised that her phone is missing=.=damn unlucky lo..after confirm that the phone is missing..oh yeah..we continued with our bowling@@+we are so crazy and i got an uncounted strike~T^T~and many spare i'm the girl's champion~!muahaha~!it cost bout RM9 for the bowling.when we are rolling,it's quite funny though~we really have great joy in these..Mina~!Let's Roll~!
after bowling,is our 扭蛋's really cost many so i'm not interested..(lies)after praying those anime figure and gunplay..we went for our BBQ Plaza lunch..
i'm the only one who doesn't eat beef~!so i just eat chicken lo..we spent most of our time in this lunch..funny..and we are all enjoy in it..after having our lunch,it's our photo time~!hehe..then we all rushing home liao~coz everyone seems to have event at night=.=included me..need to rush back to ipoh..T^T..
it's a joyful and happy day and i'll never forget bout them..mina,gambatte ne..arigatou onegaishimasu^^
p/s:those photo will be post soon^^